Skilled Residence Regional Visa Australia

The Subclass 887 Australian Visa is a permanent visa for people who have lived & worked either in a “Regional or low population growth metropolitan area” or a “Designated area” in Australia on an eligible visa (i.e. a 489, 495, 496, 475 or 487 visa) for at least 2 years & worked in that area for at least 12 months. It enables certain provisional visa holders who have met certain residence & work requirements to apply for this permanent visa.

Applicants for an 887 Australian Visa do not need to lodge an EOI or receive an invitation to make a valid visa application.

Eligibility Criteria of the 887 Visa Australia

Some criteria to be met by prospective visa applicants are as follows :

  • You have lived in a “Regional or low population growth metropolitan area” or a “Designated area” for at least 2 years on a 489, 495, 496, 475 or 487 visa
  • You have worked in a “Regional or low population growth metropolitan area” or a “Designated area” for at least 1 year
  • You have complied with all conditions of your current/previous visa(s)
  • Some of your family members must meet the English Language Requirement
  • You & your family members must meet the Health Requirement, if called upon to do so
  • You & your family members must meet the Character Requirement
  • Eligible family members must be included in your visa application
  • Eligible family members you include in your visa application must meet the Secondary criteria for this visa
  • You must be in Australia both at the time of application & decision

Benefits of the 887 Visa Australia

Some of the Rights of Subclass 887 visa holders are as follows :

  • You can live permanently / indefinitely in Australia
  • You can sponsor eligible relatives for Permanent Residence
  • You & your family members will become “Permanent Residents” from the day this visa is granted
  • You can work & study anywhere in Australia
  • You may enroll in Australia’s public health care scheme MEDICARE
  • Your children can study at local tuition fees
  • You may travel in & out of Australia as many times as you want for 5 years
  • If eligible, you can apply for Australian Citizenship

In our almost 20 years of providing immigration assistance for Australian migration prospects, we have observed innumerable instances of the “Department of Home Affairs (DHA)” website being used as the primary source of providing immigration advice to prospective clients. Persons interested in migrating to Australia must note that the DHA website is useful in that it contains a great deal of explanatory material about visas. However, it does not distinguish between legislation & formal policy. There are critical factors relevant to each visa which can only be found in legislation. At times, even some basic relevant factors can be absent on the DHA website & your reliance on it to file a visa application can seriously jeopardize your chances of success. Experienced legal expertise in ever-changing Australian migration law is a prerequisite to succeeding in your migration goals.

Contact us to –

  • Determine your eligibility for the Subclass 887 Australian Visa
  • Understand the laws & policy applicable to your situation
  • Prepare & submit a decision-ready application
  • Meet your migration goals


What is the Skilled Residence Regional Visa Australia?


The skilled regional visa subclass 887 is for individuals who have been living and working in designated regional areas of Australia on an eligible visa. This visa allows them to apply for permanent residency. The 887 visa grants indefinite stay for those who have met the criteria of living and working in specified regional areas of Australia.

Which visas make me eligible to apply for the Subclass 887 Australian Visa?


You may be on any one of the following visas in Australia to be eligible to apply for the 887 Australian Visa – Subclasses 489, 495, 496, 475 or 487 visa.

What eligibility criteria must I meet to qualify for the 887 Visa Australia?


To be eligible for the 887 Visa, you must:
• Hold a subclass 489, 495, 496, 475, or 487 visa, or a Bridging visa A or B after applying for a subclass 489, 495, or 487 visa.
• Have lived in a specified regional area of Australia for at least two years.
• Have worked full-time in a specified regional area for at least one year.
• Complied with the conditions of your eligible visa.
• Met the English language requirements.
• Met health and character requirements.

Where must I be located when applying for this visa?


You must be in Australia when you apply for the 887 visa Australia and when a decision is made.

Can I include my family members in my application?



What can I do on the 887 visa?


This is a permanent visa that allows you to stay in Australia indefinitely, work and study in Australia, enrol in Medicare, sponsor eligible relatives for permanent residence, travel to and from Australia for five years & apply for Australian citizenship (if eligible).