Q & A
What is “Residency by Investment”?
Residency by Investment (also known is some parts as Golden Visa) is a process whereby individuals, along with their eligible family members, are able to acquire permanent resident status in a country in exchange for making a specified quantum of investment in eligible categories. |
What is permanent residency?
“Permanent Residency” is a visa status which allows the holder of a designated Permanent Resident Card to reside in a country & enjoy all the benefits of that status. |
Can Permanent Residency lead to citizenship?
In most cases, permanent residency status can lead to “citizenship by naturalization” provided a permanent resident has complied with certain conditions (which can differ from country to country). |
Does any “Residency by Investment” program require me to prove my educational qualifications, age, business experience, language proficiency and/or job offer?
Some jurisdictions may require you to be under a certain age, some might require proof of business/managerial experience, while some may require you to prove language proficiency. However, most Residency by Investment Programs do not require you to prove any of the above. A mere investment is all it takes to get a Permanent Resident Card. Contact us to determine which region and country is best for you. |
What are some of the common eligibility requirements for Residency by Investment Programs?
The factors most common to all are: