Besides the US Dollar, the Antigua and Barbuda Citizenship Program now accepts payments for it’s various citizenship options in EURO & cryptocurrencies. Infact, it will soon also start accepting payments in the Chinese Renminbi (RMB).
In a recent interview, when asked to comment on a bill passed in the Antigua & Barbuda parliament this summer, which allowed payments for investments in the CIP to be also made in EUROS & Cryptocurrencies, Prime Minister Gaston Browne noted that interest in these alternative methods of payment had not yet taken off, primarily due to lack of awareness of these alternative payment options. He appeared confident that more awareness would result in more people choosing to use these alternative payment methods for investments.
The PM also said that they would infact go a step further & also, in the next 30 days, begin to allow payments to be made in the Chinese RENMINBI (RMB). This was targeted at the chinese investors, who constitute a major percentage of investors in the CIP, hence making it more attractive for them.
Antigua & Barbuda is a twin-island nation in the West Indies & is often referred to as the “Gem of the Caribbean” because of it’s physical beauty. With a 90% literacy rate, near-perfect climate, investor friendly government, English speaking workforce, a stable currency & no foreign exchange controls, Antigua & Barbuda is a great place to invest & can be used as a base to export throughout the Caribbean & the American continent.
Contact Us at Migratesmart® to know how investing in the Antigua and Barbuda Citizenship Program can benefit you.