Investment Migration Council (IMC)

The Investment Migration Council (IMC) is the worldwide forum for investment migration i.e. Residency by Investment and Citizenship by Investment, bringing together the leading stakeholders in the field. The IMC sets global standards, provides qualifications, and publishes in-demand research in the field of investment migration aimed at governments, policymakers, international organizations, and the public. It is an impact-focused Swiss-based (non-profit) membership organization in special consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations since 2019 and registered with the “European Commission Joint Transparency Register Secretariat ID : 337639131420-09.

The IMC has strict membership admission criteria to ensure its members are of the highest professional standards. Certification from the IMC demonstrates worldwide recognition of an individual having the requisite skills & knowledge to function as a practitioner in the investment migration industry. Individuals who successfully complete the program are awarded the “IMC Certification in Investment Migration – Cert (IM)”. Certification also leads to Membership of the IMC.

This certificate –

  • provides verifiable evidence of professional competency & standards (knowledge, skills, and behaviors) of an individual.
  • promotes integrity, ethics, transparency & best practices of its certified members, and
  • provides a practical focus and benchmarking of an individual’s work in the industry.

Our founder/managing partner, Mr. Rohit Kapur, is both an IMC Certified Investment Migration Practitioner and a member of the IMC. Get in touch with him to benefit from his expertise in the field of investment and business migration. Let him guide you to the most suitable migration pathway for you & your family.

Book a consultation now.